Amiga Plus 2000 #5
Amiga Plus CD - 2000 - No. 5.iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
678 lines
#include "installergui_base.h"
#include "includes.h"
#include "installergui_data.h"
#include <string.h>
* - private for initialisation and cleanup code for the
* library; you may also declare library-global data here
* (note that libcode must be re-entrant!)
* - several support functions
struct Library *MUIMasterBase = NULL;
void guistuff_SetBackButton(APTR application, BOOL setit)
// handle the BACK button and note, wheter we are in "back"-mode or not
struct Application *app = (struct Application *) application;
if (setit) { igui_NameCancel(app, app->app_Texts[BUTTON_BACK]); }
else { igui_NameCancel(app, (char *) app->app_GlobalEnv[GENV_ABORT_BUTTON]); }
app->app_BACK_Mode = setit;
void guistuff_SleepApp(APTR application)
set(((struct Application *) application)->app_MainWindow, MUIA_Window_Sleep, TRUE);
set(((struct Application *) application)->app_HelpWindow, MUIA_Window_Sleep, TRUE);
set(((struct Application *) application)->app_MkdirWindow, MUIA_Window_Sleep, TRUE);
set(((struct Application *) application)->app_GaugeWindow, MUIA_Window_Sleep, TRUE);
set(((struct Application *) application)->app_AboutWindow, MUIA_Window_Sleep, TRUE);
void guistuff_WakeApp(APTR application)
guistuff_WakeWindow(((struct Application *) application)->app_MainWindow);
guistuff_WakeWindow(((struct Application *) application)->app_HelpWindow);
guistuff_WakeWindow(((struct Application *) application)->app_MkdirWindow);
guistuff_WakeWindow(((struct Application *) application)->app_GaugeWindow);
guistuff_WakeWindow(((struct Application *) application)->app_AboutWindow);
void guistuff_WakeWindow(APTR window)
ULONG sleeps;
set(window, MUIA_Window_Sleep, FALSE);
GetAttr(MUIA_Window_Sleep, window, &sleeps);
while (sleeps);
// this helps to center the a text within a floattext object!
// (suggested by Jens Langner)
char *guistuff_CenterText(char *text)
char *centtext;
int i, numlf;
for (i=0, numlf=0; text[i]; i++, numlf += (text[i]=='\n')?1:0);
centtext = sav_AllocVec(strlen(text) + (numlf*4) + 1, MEMF_ANY|MEMF_CLEAR);
if (!centtext) { return(text); }
for(i=0; strlen(text) > 0; text += i)
char *poschr = strstr(text, "\n");
i = 1 + strlen(text) - (poschr ? strlen(poschr) : 1);
strcat(centtext, "\33c");
strncat(centtext, text, i);
// create a radio-button
APTR guistuff_InitRadio(BOOL selected, BOOL disabled)
#ifdef DEBUG
MUIA_Image_Spec, 16,
MUIA_InputMode, MUIV_InputMode_Immediate,
MUIA_Selected, selected,
MUIA_Disabled, disabled,
// handle a gui event: return TRUE if the gui has to wait, FALSE otherwise
BOOL guistuff_HandleGUIEvent(APTR application, long event)
#ifdef DEBUG
// set app->app_Quit to TRUE when quit, otherwise do "nothing"
struct Application *app = application;
switch (event)
// der proceed button
case GUIEVENT_PROCEED: { return (FALSE); }
// abort button
// (special handling in special cases: SWING mode: if set, then
// the "cancel" button is quiet!)
if (app->app_SWING_Mode) { return (FALSE); }
// user wants to quit
// do not prompt the user within TRAP handling
if (app->app_TRAP_Mode) { return (FALSE); }
else if (igui_Request(app, NULL, app->app_Texts[YES_NO], app->app_Texts[REALLY_QUIT], NULL))
// if we are in SWING mode, we have to reset the SWING mode first
igui_SWING_Mode(app, FALSE);
app->app_Quit = TRUE;
return (FALSE);
// ansonsten weiter warten!
return (TRUE);
// change tho panels of the installer gui
BOOL guistuff_NewContent(APTR application, APTR newobject)
#ifdef DEBUG
struct Application *app = (struct Application *) application;
if (!newobject)
app->app_Error = GUIERROR_NO_GUI_OBJECT;
if(DoMethod(app->app_MainRoot, MUIM_Group_InitChange))
// remove old object. Add new one.
DoMethod(app->app_MainRoot, OM_REMMEMBER, app->app_CurrentObject);
DoMethod(app->app_MainRoot, OM_ADDMEMBER, newobject);
// dispose old object
// new object gets the current one
app->app_CurrentObject = newobject;
// let the group relayout itself.
DoMethod(app->app_MainRoot, MUIM_Group_ExitChange);
APTR guistuff_InitSimpleText(char *text)
#ifdef DEBUG
MUIA_Listview_Input, FALSE,
//MUIA_List_Format, "P=\33c",
MUIA_Listview_List, FloattextObject,
MUIA_Frame, MUIV_Frame_None,
MUIA_Floattext_Text, guistuff_CenterText(text),
MUIA_Background, MUII_TextBack,
//MUIA_Font, MUIV_Font_Fixed,
return (GroupObject,
Child, TextObject,
MUIA_Frame, MUIV_Frame_None,
MUIA_Text_Contents, text,
MUIA_Text_SetMin, TRUE,
MUIA_Text_PreParse, "\33c",
Child, HVSpace,
void guistuff_SetError(APTR application, long errcode)
((struct Application *) application)->app_Error = errcode;
// mx implementation for two mx buttons
void __asm __saveds guistuff_MXTwoFun(register __a1 APTR *data)
set((APTR) data[0], MUIA_Selected, TRUE);
set((APTR) data[0], MUIA_Pressed, FALSE);
set((APTR) data[1], MUIA_Selected, FALSE);
// mx implementation for three mx buttons
void __asm __saveds guistuff_MXThreeFun(register __a1 APTR *data)
set((APTR) data[0], MUIA_Selected, TRUE);
set((APTR) data[0], MUIA_Pressed, FALSE);
set((APTR) data[1], MUIA_Selected, FALSE);
set((APTR) data[2], MUIA_Selected, FALSE);
// mx implementation for four mx buttons
void __asm __saveds guistuff_MXFourFun(register __a1 APTR *data)
set((APTR) data[0], MUIA_Selected, TRUE);
set((APTR) data[0], MUIA_Pressed, FALSE);
set((APTR) data[1], MUIA_Selected, FALSE);
set((APTR) data[2], MUIA_Selected, FALSE);
set((APTR) data[3], MUIA_Selected, FALSE);
// peek anything to anywhere :)
void __asm __saveds guistuff_SetValFun(register __a1 APTR *data)
*((APTR *) data[0]) = (APTR) data[1];
// just refresh the gui
void guistuff_Refresh(APTR application)
#ifdef DEBUG
DoMethod(((struct Application *) application)->app_Application, MUIM_Application_InputBuffered);
// build a new path
char *guistuff_BuildPath(char *path, char *file)
long newpathlen = strlen(path) + strlen(file) + 5;
char *newpath;
if (newpath = sav_AllocVec(newpathlen, MEMF_ANY))
strcpy(newpath, path);
if (DOSFALSE == AddPart(newpath, file, newpathlen)) { sav_FreeVec(newpath); newpath = NULL; }
static void __asm __saveds gui_BTMKDirOpenFun(register __a2 APTR, register __a1 APTR *);
static void __asm __saveds gui_BTMKDirDrivesFun(register __a2 APTR, register __a1 APTR *);
static void __asm __saveds gui_BTParentFun(register __a2 APTR, register __a1 APTR *);
static void __asm __saveds gui_LVDirlistSelectFun(register __a2 APTR, register __a1 APTR *);
static void __asm __saveds gui_LVDriveslistSelectFun(register __a2 APTR, register __a1 APTR *);
static void __asm __saveds gui_STNewDirFun(register __a2 APTR, register __a1 APTR *);
static const struct Hook gui_bt_parent_hook = { { NULL, NULL }, (VOID *) gui_BTParentFun, NULL, NULL };
static const struct Hook gui_lv_dirlistselect_hook = { { NULL, NULL }, (VOID *) gui_LVDirlistSelectFun, NULL, NULL };
static const struct Hook gui_lv_driveslistselect_hook = { { NULL, NULL }, (VOID *) gui_LVDriveslistSelectFun, NULL, NULL };
static const struct Hook gui_bt_mkdiropen_hook = { { NULL, NULL }, (VOID *) gui_BTMKDirOpenFun, NULL, NULL };
static const struct Hook gui_bt_mkdirdrives_hook = { { NULL, NULL }, (VOID *) gui_BTMKDirDrivesFun, NULL, NULL };
static const struct Hook gui_st_newdir_hook = { { NULL, NULL }, (VOID *) gui_STNewDirFun, NULL, NULL };
// since ASKFILE and ASKDIR do nearly the same, we can put them together into
// only one function
char *guistuff_AskFile_AskDir(APTR application, struct FunctionEnvironment *localenv, BOOL askdir)
#ifdef DEBUG
struct Application *app = (struct Application *) application;
char *path, *newpath,
char file_cpy[128], dir_cpy[256];
// error or default: return the empty string ""
char *retval = app->app_Texts[EMPTY];
APTR BT_parent, BT_drives, BT_mkdir,
LV_DrivesLV, LV_DirLV, LV_Driveslist,
// extract path and file for better handling with mui
strncpy((char *) &dir_cpy, (char *) localenv->fe_Default, 255);
if (askdir) { file_cpy[0] = 0; }
sav_PutChar(PathPart((STRPTR) &dir_cpy), 0L);
strncpy((char *) &file_cpy, (char *) FilePart((char *) localenv->fe_Default), 128);
// create the gui object
obj = GroupObject,
Child, TextObject,
MUIA_Frame, MUIV_Frame_None,
MUIA_Text_Contents, localenv->fe_Prompt,
MUIA_Text_SetMin, TRUE,
MUIA_Text_PreParse, "\33c",
Child, LV_DirLV = ListviewObject,
MUIA_Listview_List, app->app_MkdirRelatedDirlist = ASKDIR_LV_Dirlist = DirlistObject,
MUIA_Dirlist_DrawersOnly, askdir,
MUIA_Dirlist_Directory, &dir_cpy,
MUIA_Background, MUII_ListBack,
MUIA_Frame, MUIV_Frame_InputList,
MUIA_ShowMe, !localenv->fe_Disk,
Child, LV_DrivesLV = ListviewObject,
MUIA_Background, MUII_ListBack,
MUIA_Frame, MUIV_Frame_InputList,
MUIA_Listview_List, LV_Driveslist = VolumelistObject,
MUIA_ShowMe, localenv->fe_Disk,
Child, ASKDIR_ST_Path = StringObject,
MUIA_Frame, MUIV_Frame_String,
MUIA_String_Format, MUIV_String_Format_Center,
MUIA_String_Contents, &dir_cpy,
MUIA_String_MaxLen, 128,
MUIA_ShowMe, !localenv->fe_Disk,
Child, ASKDIR_ST_File = StringObject,
MUIA_Frame, MUIV_Frame_String,
MUIA_String_Format, MUIV_String_Format_Center,
MUIA_String_Contents, &file_cpy,
MUIA_String_MaxLen, 128,
MUIA_ShowMe, !askdir,
Child, GR_buttons = GroupObject,
MUIA_Group_Horiz, TRUE,
Child, BT_parent = SimpleButton(app->app_Texts[BUTTON_PARENT]),
Child, BT_drives = SimpleButton(app->app_Texts[BUTTON_DRIVES]),
Child, BT_mkdir = SimpleButton(app->app_Texts[BUTTON_MKDIR]),
if (obj)
// join the string gadget and the listview, so they notify each other
DoMethod(ASKDIR_ST_Path, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_String_Acknowledge, MUIV_EveryTime,
ASKDIR_LV_Dirlist, 3, MUIM_Set, MUIA_Dirlist_Directory, MUIV_TriggerValue);
DoMethod(ASKDIR_LV_Dirlist, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Dirlist_Directory, MUIV_EveryTime,
ASKDIR_ST_Path, 3, MUIM_Set, MUIA_String_Contents, MUIV_TriggerValue);
// the active lv-entry changed
DoMethod(ASKDIR_LV_Dirlist, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_List_Active, MUIV_EveryTime,
MUIV_Notify_Self, 5, MUIM_CallHook, &gui_lv_dirlistselect_hook,
// the user entered a new directory, so we have to update the listview
DoMethod(ASKDIR_ST_Path, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_String_Acknowledge, MUIV_EveryTime,
MUIV_Notify_Self, 5, MUIM_CallHook, &gui_st_newdir_hook, ASKDIR_ST_Path, ASKDIR_ST_File, ASKDIR_LV_Dirlist);
// the user selected a new volume from the volumes list
DoMethod(LV_Driveslist, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_List_Active, MUIV_EveryTime,
MUIV_Notify_Self, 10, MUIM_CallHook, &gui_lv_driveslistselect_hook,
obj, LV_DrivesLV, LV_DirLV, ASKDIR_ST_Path, ASKDIR_ST_File, GR_buttons, ASKDIR_LV_Dirlist, askdir);
// we have to create a new directory; note, that we created the "makedir" stuff at the beginning
DoMethod(BT_mkdir, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Pressed, FALSE,
MUIV_Notify_Self, 4, MUIM_CallHook, &gui_bt_mkdiropen_hook, ASKDIR_ST_Path, app);
DoMethod(BT_drives, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Pressed, FALSE,
MUIV_Notify_Self, 8, MUIM_CallHook, &gui_bt_mkdirdrives_hook, obj, LV_DrivesLV, LV_DirLV, ASKDIR_ST_Path, ASKDIR_ST_File, GR_buttons);
// move to parent dir, if one presses "Parent"
DoMethod(BT_parent, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Pressed, FALSE,
MUIV_Notify_Self, 5, MUIM_CallHook, &gui_bt_parent_hook, ASKDIR_ST_Path, ASKDIR_ST_File, ASKDIR_LV_Dirlist);
// if there exists a BACK function, we have to change the cancel-button into a
// back-button; or, if the swing-mode is off, we have to care for the possibly
// modified cancel-button-text
if (localenv->fe_Back) { guistuff_SetBackButton(app, TRUE); }
else if (!app->app_SWING_Mode) { igui_NameCancel(app, (char *) app->app_GlobalEnv[GENV_ABORT_BUTTON]); }
// set the help texts
igui_SetHelp(app, (char *) localenv->fe_Help);
if (guistuff_NewContent(app, obj))
if (!igui_QuitApp(app))
// an now get a copy of the selected file-name or just the path-name
GetAttr(MUIA_String_Contents, ASKDIR_ST_Path, (ULONG *) &path);
GetAttr(MUIA_String_Contents, ASKDIR_ST_File, (ULONG *) &file);
if (askdir)
newpath = sav_DupString2(path);
if (newpath) { retval = newpath; }
else { /* OUT OF MEMORY */ guistuff_SetError(app, GUIERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); }
retval = guistuff_BuildPath(path, file);
if (!retval) { /* OUT OF MEMORY */ retval = app->app_Texts[EMPTY]; }
else { /* user wants to quit */ }
else { /* NO GUI OBJECT */ guistuff_SetError(app, GUIERROR_NO_GUI_OBJECT); }
if (localenv->fe_Back) { guistuff_SetBackButton(app, FALSE); }
else { /* NO GUI OBJECT */ guistuff_SetError(app, GUIERROR_NO_GUI_OBJECT); }
static void __asm __saveds gui_BTParentFun(register __a2 APTR obj, register __a1 APTR *data)
// move to the parent directory
// data[0] - string gadget "Directory"
// data[1] - string gadget "File"
// data[2] - Dirlist object
BPTR lock, parent;
char *str,
GetAttr(MUIA_String_Contents, (APTR) data[0], (ULONG *) &str);
if (lock = Lock(str, SHARED_LOCK))
if (parent = ParentDir(lock))
if (DOSFALSE != NameFromLock(parent, (char *) &path, 127))
SetAttrs(data[1], MUIA_String_Contents, NULL, TAG_DONE);
SetAttrs(data[2], MUIA_Dirlist_Directory, &path, TAG_DONE);
else { /* path[128] may be too short */ DisplayBeep(NULL); }
else { /* unable to move to parent */ DisplayBeep(NULL); }
else { /* no lock */ DisplayBeep(NULL); }
static void __asm __saveds gui_LVDirlistSelectFun(register __a2 APTR obj, register __a1 APTR *data)
// the active item of the dirlist changed; if the new ective one is
// a file, then copy the name to the string gadget, otherweise
// selected item is a dir) change to the new directory
// data[0] - string gadget "Directory"
// data[1] - string gadget "File"
// data[2] - Dirlist object
long active, path;
struct FileInfoBlock *fib;
char str_copy[256];
GetAttr(MUIA_List_Active, obj, (ULONG *) &active);
if (active >= 0)
DoMethod(obj, MUIM_List_GetEntry, active, &fib);
// selected item is a directory
if (fib->fib_DirEntryType > 0)
GetAttr(MUIA_String_Contents, data[0], (ULONG *) &path);
strncpy((char *) &str_copy, (char *) path, 255);
AddPart((STRPTR) &str_copy, (STRPTR) &(fib->fib_FileName), 255);
SetAttrs(data[1], MUIA_String_Contents, NULL, TAG_DONE);
SetAttrs(data[2], MUIA_Dirlist_Directory, &str_copy, TAG_DONE);
// the selected item is a file
else if (fib->fib_DirEntryType < 0)
SetAttrs(data[1], MUIA_String_Contents, &(fib->fib_FileName), TAG_DONE);
static void __asm __saveds gui_LVDriveslistSelectFun(register __a2 APTR obj, register __a1 APTR *data)
// the user selected an entry from the drives list -> move to the
// new directory
// data[0] - ASKFILE/ASKDIR's root object
// data[1] - listview for the Volumelist
// data[2] - listview for the Dirlist
// data[3] - string gadget "Directory"
// data[4] - string gadget "File"
// data[5] - the 3 buttons
// data[6] - Dirlist object itself
// data[7] - the flag, if this is called by ASKDIR or ASKFILE
long active;
char *path;
GetAttr(MUIA_List_Active, obj, (ULONG *) &active);
if (active >= 0)
DoMethod(obj, MUIM_List_GetEntry, active, &path);
if (DoMethod((APTR) data[0], MUIM_Group_InitChange))
set((APTR) data[5], MUIA_ShowMe, TRUE);
set((APTR) data[4], MUIA_ShowMe, !data[7]);
set((APTR) data[3], MUIA_ShowMe, TRUE);
set((APTR) data[2], MUIA_ShowMe, TRUE);
set((APTR) data[1], MUIA_ShowMe, FALSE);
DoMethod((APTR) data[0], MUIM_Group_ExitChange);
SetAttrs(data[4], MUIA_String_Contents, NULL, TAG_DONE);
SetAttrs(data[6], MUIA_Dirlist_Directory, path, TAG_DONE);
static void __asm __saveds gui_BTMKDirOpenFun(register __a2 APTR obj, register __a1 APTR *data)
// open the "MakeDir" window
// data[0] - string gadget "Directory"
// data[1] - pointer to the Application structure
struct Application *app = (struct Application *) data[1];
long path;
GetAttr(MUIA_String_Contents, (APTR) data[0], (ULONG *) &path);
set(app->app_MkdirName, MUIA_String_Contents, path);
set(app->app_MkdirWindow, MUIA_Window_Open, TRUE);
set(app->app_MainWindow, MUIA_Window_Sleep, TRUE);
static void __asm __saveds gui_BTMKDirDrivesFun(register __a2 APTR obj, register __a1 APTR *data)
// change the gui to the Volumelist, thus, we have to show some
// objects and "un-show" some others!
if (DoMethod((APTR) data[0], MUIM_Group_InitChange))
set((APTR) data[5], MUIA_ShowMe, FALSE);
set((APTR) data[4], MUIA_ShowMe, FALSE);
set((APTR) data[3], MUIA_ShowMe, FALSE);
set((APTR) data[2], MUIA_ShowMe, FALSE);
set((APTR) data[1], MUIA_ShowMe, TRUE);
DoMethod((APTR) data[0], MUIM_Group_ExitChange);
static void __asm __saveds gui_STNewDirFun(register __a2 APTR obj, register __a1 APTR *data)
// the user entered a new path into the string gadget ->
// check if this path is valid (if not, use "SYS:") and set
// the new path to the listview
// data[0] - string gadget "Directory"
// data[1] - string gadget "File"
// data[2] - dirlist gadget
char *newpath;
GetAttr(MUIA_String_Contents, (APTR) data[0], (ULONG *) &newpath);
// if the entered path does not exist, use SYS: instead
if (!sav_DirExists(newpath)) { newpath = "SYS:"; SetAttrs((APTR) data[0], MUIA_String_Contents, newpath, TAG_DONE); }
SetAttrs((APTR) data[1], MUIA_String_Contents, NULL, TAG_DONE);
SetAttrs((APTR) data[2], MUIA_Dirlist_Directory, newpath, TAG_DONE);